In short, in a combination of bold colours, coded language, wittily manipulated emojis and historical images this is a sex brand.
In long, prior to Pride Month in 2021 and after having sexted much, the idea for an adult premium service, as a collective which would provide for all tastes and preferences, came up. Named, ‘Grand Orchestra - Fruit Trade’ = ‘A Thousand Balls - Gay Sex’.
Inspired by the 21st century’s emoji obsession with some specifically frequently misused to indicate carnal innuendos, the idea of designing based on the very sexualised keyboard symbols was exciting. The concept was to take the broadly contemporary trend, repurpose it and illustrate anew with a different style to create logos which would finally form a complete brand. There had to be another factor introduced into the mix and that could be a vernacular used along with the emojis. What else but slang?!
And here comes a little about days of old: “ Cockney is a certain type of Londoner” Wikipedia generically cites, and though partially true that is the mere proof of how the term has expanded through appropriation over the years. Cockney is considered to be a dialect by many; one that derives by British English and indeed it was traditionally associated with the born and bred East Londoners and more particularly the working class that almost exclusively resided in the east end of the city. Nevertheless, numerous elements have been adopted widely and used in many English-speaking countries. Historically, there are a few characteristics that made the accent distinctive having certain speech patterns and Cockney rhyming slang is one that’s believed to have arisen circa 19th century or earlier. It is speculated how the rhyming slang might have been an accident, result of broken language or a cryptolect produced deliberately by vagabonds and criminals in order to confuse outsiders, including the police, keeping them out of their business and overall tribe. According to Britannica there are about 150 terms that can be recognised by its users i.e.: duck and dive= hide, apple and pears= stairs. A typical way of applying this however would be to only use the first component of the phrase to make it even more difficult for anyone to decipher, therefore “hide” would then simply become “duck”, “stairs”-> “apples” and so on.
Polari, also known as Palare is modular. A blend of broken French, Italian, Romani, Cockney Rhyming slang, backslang, cant and sailor slang. It later on borrowed elements from the Yiddish language and the drug scene and evolved to become almost a whole argot that could structure full sentences used within the LGBT+ community. Similar to any other codes it was created out of need and functioned as an underground communicative device to remain safe. The language itself, full of camp, irony, innuendo and sarcasm, also helped its speakers to form a resilient worldview in the face of arrest, blackmail and physical violence. Polari speakers “christened” themselves with camp names like Scotch Flo or Diamond Lil, affording themselves alternative identities that reclaimed the representations of them as effeminate in positive ways. - Wikipedia
The outcome! Each full name and profession is the offspring of terms put together to hide the person’s real identity which yet is indicated in their logo mark. The ‘slash’ symbol and the scattered yet linked letters in a circular fashion indicate the seperation as well as a connection between the present and the past, the underground and the oppulence.
Dolly Eeks & Bold Carts= Pretty Faces & Daring Penises