Final Route

Initial Logo Proposals

Final Persona Selection

Programme Persona Iterations

Video Assets

BEAM Academy is a newly launched (2020) entry-level data programme for all M&S staff.
What M&S wanted us to do was to create tools, that would assist to engage with the use of data. What M&S didn’t want from us was to merely design another event or a digital strategy rollout. The result was an immersive experience that would spark curiosity in the attendees beyond Learning and with ‘Data. Illuminated.’ as initial concept in mind an inspiring and motivating series of assets emerged. The Digital Essentials Programme successfully ran its first course having perceived greatly alongside a very positive feedback. Employee workshops were instantly planned to follow.
Project Deliverables: Look and Feel + Logo ideation - Persona Icons for Diagnostic tool - Films Assets (for Hero Film, Teaser, 3 customer journey films) - Poster - PTT templates - Digital Banners
What M&S wanted us to do was to create tools, that would assist to engage with the use of data. What M&S didn’t want from us was to merely design another event or a digital strategy rollout. The result was an immersive experience that would spark curiosity in the attendees beyond Learning and with ‘Data. Illuminated.’ as initial concept in mind an inspiring and motivating series of assets emerged. The Digital Essentials Programme successfully ran its first course having perceived greatly alongside a very positive feedback. Employee workshops were instantly planned to follow.
Project Deliverables: Look and Feel + Logo ideation - Persona Icons for Diagnostic tool - Films Assets (for Hero Film, Teaser, 3 customer journey films) - Poster - PTT templates - Digital Banners